Retailer Benefit Calculator
Sale Per Month
Sale Per Quarter
Yearly Sale
Benefit Per Quarter
Gift Category
Annual Gift Value
Total Benefit
Terms & Conditions
1. Eligible Value is min Rs 150000 (Incl of GST) per month.
2. Customer needs to pay in advance as per slab every month, e.g. customers want to be in a slab of Rs 2 Lacs a month, he needs to deposit Rs 2 Lacs in advance, customer can draw supplies up to Rs 2 Lacs, once the advance is exhausted, he needs to top up the account to draw further supplies.
3. Next month again customer needs to deposit advance to draw supplies.
4. Quarterly Benefit will be credited by way of Credit note after completion of respective quarter e.g. Quarterly benefit will be calculated of Pro-rata basis, Customer achieves Turnover of Rs.6.30 Lacs, the quarterly benefit will be Rs.18900 instead of Rs 18000 as against Turnover of Rs 6 Lacs
5. Any Returns will be adjusted against particular months sale.
6. All supplies will be as per normal Discount Policy only.
7. Annual Gift Eligibility:
...a: Completion of all 4 quarters as per slabs or more.
...b: If any Credit is requested for any supply, customer becomes ineligible for quarterly and yearly benefits.
...c. Annual Gift can be redeemed after completion of Annual Target or if customer does not want the Gift, Value of the gift will be credited to his account.
...d. If Annual Turnover falls in Higher Slab, e.g. 1st six months the turnover is Rs 12 Lacs and next 6 months turnover is Rs 18 Lacs, total turnover Rs 30 Lacs, customer gets eligible for Higher slab of Gift.
8. Company resrves the right to withdraw the scheme anytime without assigning any reason.